So far, 2 1/2 weeks after the ammonia algecide treatment, crystal clear water and no sign of any backswimmers. The product they gave me at the store looks to have worked because last summer I had crystal clear water AND backswimmers.

Speaking of products, I had never heard of BioGuard before, and didn't realize they were one of the bigger MFRs of pool products. Anyone have recommendations to use them or advise against them? The new store that is just a minute from my home only carries their products. So far I have had limited use, the might cost me just a bit more for this summer, but I am satisfied with the results. Most of their products are for use through the Skimmer, which I like. Otherwise most pool centers carry HTH, Azure, or house brands. Anyone have any opinions on which brands they prefer, or just go with the best sale because they all work about the same?
