Everything was working fine with the old pump, which ran constant at the same priming speed of the new VS pump. They were both the same manufacturer so I was able to simply swap it out, tying in 230v to the new lugs. The ports are clear. The problem is (as I presume with limited experience) is that the intake tube quickly makes a right angle and shoots into the ground from the pump house, running under the concrete to the skimmer. So when I open up the basket to clean debris, all the water pressure releases and drains right down into that pipe. Then after sealing it back up the pump needs to generate pressure to draw it back up into the motor. The old pump did this slowly, sometimes taking up to a minute or two, once the water got there it went much quicker (because of proper priming I am learning now). This new pump while running at the same speed does not seem to be able to draw that water up, and makes a nasty loud pulsing sound also. I ran it for quite some time, maybe 3-4 minutes looking for that tell tale trickle of water from the intake tube but it never came. If I try to fill the chamber before closing it up but the water inevitably shoots down the pipe before I can seal it up. I'm fearing my piping was simply built poorly. With all the PVC angles there isn't even space to add in a valve, though that seems like it should be the next step to me... Any advice?