Hi... New member looking for help. I check the other threads and, while my question may already be there, I couldn't find it. If it does exist, feel free to direct me to it.

I have an IG concrete pool of approximately 15k gallons. Over the winter it had a bad case of green algae which I'm pretty sure I've take care of following the instructions found on the web site. However, the water is still cloudy. The shallow end has a three-step concrete entrance and I can barely make out the 3rd step. Anything in the deep end of the pool is not visible. Below are the current measurements using the Taylor kit recommended by this site.

ph=7.0, FC=4.5 ppm, CYA=39 ppm, TA=70 ppm, CH=180 ppm, Water Temp= 75 degrees F.

I read on the site that cloudy water could be caused by a high concentration of dead algae in the water which may be difficult to filter out with a cartridge system (which is what I have).

My questions are: Could this be the reason for the cloudy water and if so, is there anything that can be done about it? Or, does someone see something off with any of my chemical measurements that may be contributing to it?

If I can confirm that the cloudiness is due to the dead algae, I plan to increase the ph back to the 7.6 to 7.8 range. Thanks for your help and sorry if the post is too long.