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Thread: Vingli automatic pool cleaner finned disc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Default Vingli automatic pool cleaner finned disc

    I just bought the Vangli automatic pool cleaner, and the finned disc came all rolled up. How can I flatten it?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Vangli automatic pool cleaner finned disc

    Sorry, but the Vingli automatic pool cleaner appears to be a Chinese knock-off of an older US product.

    It's typical of such products that they have
    (a) poor manufacturing quality control,
    (b) poor engineering*
    (c) worse than poor product support.
    The "Vingli" name is not a pool brand, but apparently just the name of the Changlais import company. Amazon has stopped selling the units, which often means the company got so many complaints they withdrew the product.

    So . . . I hope you didn't spend too much on the unit!


    * the Chinese manufacturers don't seem to understand the actual product engineering, so when they cut corners when copying, they create product malfunctions not present in the original product.

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