Hello all, I've had an issue all season with dirt coming back in though my returns. It's actually too heavy for my vacuum to pick up so I have to brush it into one spot and then scoop it with a bucket. It's not an insane amount of dirt, but over the course of a week or so it adds up. It only comes when I run the filter. Seems like it's coming out of both returns. I'm not losing a lot of water in the pool although I may be losing some more than is normal. I've had to use a hose to add water once this season, but it was after a very hot sunny two weeks and lots of use. Anyway, I don't see any air in the pump, but when I turn it off it does slowly get air in it. Does it seem like the dirt would be coming from a broken pipe or a filter issue? I have someone coming tomorrow to look at it, but I'd like to have an idea of what it could be first.

Any thought?

I have a sand filter that I changed the sand on 4 or 5 years ago. The water is clear. Everything else seems to be running normal. TIA

