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Thread: Guide to Testkit Reagent Replacement

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    Default Guide to Testkit Reagent Replacement


    This was discussed in a thread from 2015, but is now updated here.

    Since all the almost all the kits we recommend (HTH 6-way, K2006, K1106, etc) are made by Taylor Technologies, you may wish to follow their recommendation to replace everything, every year. Honestly, I've never seen ANY evidence that doing is necessary, or even useful.

    My recommendations, based on 20 years experience with Taylor reagents, along with sources for replacements for reagents for the HTH 6-way or K-2006, are below. Most other kits, like the K-1106 should simply be replaced.


    Here's my Guide to Reagent Replacement:

    1. Replace R0870 powder annually.
    Moisture 'kills' it, so buy it ONLY in the small Taylor bottle, which protects it. Also, if it gets hard or nearly black, it must be replaced.
    2. Replace, or supplement, your R-0013 CYA reagent, as needed.
    None of the Taylor kits include enough R-0013 for more than a few tests, so this is the most commonly purchased replacement. We recommend the 16 oz bottle of R-0013 and Disposable plastic lab funnels. Use this to refill your existing R-0013 dropper bottles. Try to order from Amazon rather than a 3rd party: Amazon handles shipping and warranties MUCH better.
    3. Replace the R0871 and R0003 every 2nd year

    4. Replace R0004/R0014, R0600, R0003, R0008, R0011L every 3rd year

    5. Replace everything else when it runs out.
    Note: If you leave the bottle lid open occasionally, or have the kit in the sun . . . take a YEAR off the regent life (move up one line!). Also, don't buy more R0013 than you'll use in 2 years, even though it should last 3 years.
    6. Except for R-0013, it's not practical to replace reagents in the HTH 6-way.
    You can purchase a Taylor K-1000 OTO/phenol red kit, which includes the OTO/phenol red reagents and the same test block as the HTH 6-way


    Replacements for the K2006 (or the old PS234)

    Chlorine (FC, CC, TC) test
    pH & pH adjustment
    Total Alkalinity
    Calcium hardness(Note: HTH 6-way contains the Taylor TOTAL (not calcium) hardness test, which is usually good enough.)

    CYA / stabilizer test
    * - sold directly by Amazon, not 3rd party (as of May 2018)

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-30-2018 at 04:51 PM.

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