Absolutely. Use what you've got.
The best way I've heard of to dissolve CYA in an intex is to put it in an old sock,and hang it in front of the return.
By the way, if you happen to end up with high CYA again . . . you can compensate easily, if you have the K2006 kit. You STILL just need to run chlorine at 5% of your CYA, so if it's 120, your normal chlorine level would be 6 ppm.
By the way, assuming you have the 12 x 20 oval, which is about 4,500 gallons, your PF is 26, so a gallon of bleach would add:
6% bleach: 26 x 0.06 x 8.4 lbs = 13 ppm of chlorine to your pool
10% bleach: 26 x 0.10 x 8.5 lbs = 22 ppm of chlorine to your pool.
Since the 10% Walmart pool bleach has about the same price as the 6%, you might want to get it at Walmart, instead.
Good luck!