Newbie Here! First off, let me say that these forums have been immensely helpful so far in starting to understand the basics of pool ownership and maintenance. So thank you to all of the people running this and contributors.

So I bought the Taylor K2006 test kit and did my levels for the first time. Since the beginning of the season I have been throwing a bunch of cal hypo shock in once a week based on instructions from my pool guy. I want to stop screwing around and do this right with BBB.

The pool is 30,000 gallon, in ground, concrete pool. It gets direct sunlight for about 6 hours a day. There is a auto chlorinating basket (set to level 5) that I am using with the chlorine tabs (hockey pucks) as well. The water is reasonably clear right now but I am getting green algea buildup on the walls that get the most sun exposure.

FC = 2.2 ppm
Combined Chlorine - very slight pink hue
PH = ~8 (two drops to get down to 7.4)
Alk = 160
Cal = 200
CYA = NA (confused because the black dot never disappeared. not sure if I did something wrong here but I did the test twice and could always see it)

Any advice would really be appreciated! Thank you!