Here's what you need to do:
1. Set up -- but do not fill -- your pool ASAP.
All of the Chinese made mini-pools have high defect rates. Intex is the best, but still ships about 10% defective pools. Intex is also the only one who honors their warranty consistently . . . if very slowly. Your BEST bet is to set the pool up, and find the defects (remember, 90% chance your pool is A-OK) IMMEDIATELY, while you can STILL return it to the seller. Ignore any instructions to handle defects through the manufacturer -- that is PURELY for their benefit. If you find a defect, and you can exchange it, do so right away!
2. Do not fill without a chemical plan -- and the needed chemicals -- but fill ASAP
Read the FAQs and Guides page, and especially, the recipe page. Then, make a choice and a plan. Pools can turn green OVERNIGHT!
3. Get a HTH 6-Way Test Kit
from Amazon or Walmart. You WILL need it. But do NOT use the CYA test, until AFTER you've added CYA. That kit can only test CYA levels THREE times.
Good luck!