[ Upgraded membership; moved thread to pool startup section => you may need to log in and log out to gain access! ]
Georgia's hot in summer, no doubt.
1. Get a K2006 test kit (link in my signature) and learn to use it.
2. If you have a local contractor who can clean and start-up the pool, and can afford it, pay to get it started. Watch them when they do it.
3. Do NOT drain the pool yourself, unless you are SURE the ground is dry enough. Pools in low areas can literally float out of wet ground. It happens a lot, and it is mess that keeps on causing pain for a long time after!
4. Keep the chemistry SIMPLE: focus on chlorine, pH, and CYA (stabilizer levels) and NOTHING else, unless you are filling with well water. Do NOT worry about alkalinity or calcium for now.
5. Avoid pool store additives. If you don't have well water, and do have a well-functioning filter, you do NOT need: stain control agents, clarifiers, flocculants, sequestrants, algaecides and the like.
6. Buy UN-blended chemicals: PLAIN bleach, or cal hypo, or trichlor or dichlor. Raise your pH with washing soda (soda ash) or borax (NOT "Boraxo" detergent!) from Walmart. Lower your pH with PLAIN 31% / 20 degree muriatic from Lowe's or Home Depot. Start off chlorinating with dichlor from Sams Club, which is quick dissolving and is about 50% chlorine and 50% stabilizer; use it till your stabilizer level is above 30 ppm.