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Thread: Need advice for pool cleaning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Question Need advice for pool cleaning

    I've decided to quit fighting with my in-ground in-floor cleaning system. I need to get some advice on robotic pool cleaners instead. My pool is small - about 10,000 gallons. It is L-shaped to wrap around my patio. I have some built in steps, but no other underwater features. The pool dealers around here seem to agree that the Hayward AquaNaut is a good system, but I was hoping to spend less. I will buy the aquanaut if it is reliable - I've had enough of repairing pop-ups and filters and pumps and everything else - I don't want another maintenance headache.

    Is the aquanaut a good system? Are there other reliable systems I should be looking at? I appreciate any advice.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need advice for pool cleaning

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    As far as I can tell, in-floor systems all fail or are abandoned with in 5 years.

    Typically, they impose a 100% penalty on electrical use, by requiring an oversized and overloaded pump. Cutting the system out or bypassing it may cut your pool electrical bill by 40%.

    My own personal experience with cleaners is limited to large commercial robots or Polaris units with separate pumps. Both can work well . . . but don't apply to your situation.

    Getting a system that can be serviced LOCALLY is important, however. See if they'll install with a guaranteed-to-work or money-back.

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