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Thread: Theoretical or Truly Green Hair on Pool Rx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Theoretical or Truly Green Hair on Pool Rx

    I am a new user to this forum, but have researched many notices, buyer notices and have read comments about copper leaving stains and the dreaded "green" hair. I have a salt based in ground system.
    I understand the theory behind the possibility of mixing copper with blonde or processed hair, but one would think this company wouldn't have so many possitive reviews and have not read anyone "experienceing green hair" just trying to scare people into believing this could happen. Also how does copper or Pool Rx react with Pool Heaters?

    1. Has anyone experienced "green hair" from Pool Rx?
    2. Anyone have first hand experience with Pool Rx with a Pool Heater?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Theoretical or Truly Green Hair on Pool Rx

    Upgraded membership.

    Regarding your question . . . nope, not going there. We've done copper to death. And, I've covered how the 'good review' scam works, too . . . though those posts might be hard to find.

    Copper systems do work for some with home pools. If everyone in your family has dark hair, and your pool is vinyl or fiberglass, you may like it, too. Otherwise, you'll just have to learn the 'hard way' yourself.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2018

    Default Re: Theoretical or Truly Green Hair on Pool Rx

    First of all thank you for replying. If you could point me in the right direction I will not bother you.

    However, I still have difficulty finding actual experiences of this product turning hair green. Also this company will not answer their phones or email, so, my questions don't get answered.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Theoretical or Truly Green Hair on Pool Rx

    Sorry, but no. Part of the new direction I'm taking with the forum is that we'll no longer attempt to support broken systems like PoolRX. If you want to try it, go ahead. But it's on you, not us.

    Like I said, some copper systems work well for some pool owners. Maybe you'll be one.

    If it doesn't work, you can come back here to learn how to use chlorine effectively. But, if you've got stains . . . well, that's another thing I've found: I can remove stains with the methods I have described, but it turns out that most pool owners can not.

    But,seriously, isn't the fact that the company won't return calls enough of a clue?

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