Thanks for the advice everyone. The pool was closed on the 8th. Hopefully, it will be in good shape come Spring.
How are things?
26K gal 20x40 rectangular IG vinyl pool; Apr 2014: New pump, liner, auto-cover, & water; Pentair Whisperflo 1HP pump; Pentair Trition sand filter; Cover/Star CS-500 auto cover; Taylor K-2006C; OTO
Thanks for the advice everyone. The pool was closed on the 8th. Hopefully, it will be in good shape come Spring.
17k gal 16' x 32' IG concrete bottom FG sides 1985 , Hayward Pro S244T sand filter , Hayward Super pump 1 HP 12 - 24 hrs , using 8.25% bleach, K-2006C kit. PF=7