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Thread: Persistent Cloudy Water in AG pool

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Angry Persistent Cloudy Water in AG pool

    We opened the pool a month ago and it was green. We shocked and turned light blue and cloudy and now the water ph is 7.6 and cl 1.5. Still cloudy and no changes for the past 2 weeks. Don't know what else to do.....

    Above ground 24, vinyl liner

    Please help...
    Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-13-2014 at 07:58 PM.
    24' AG pool

  2. #2
    PoolDoc's Avatar
    PoolDoc is offline Administrator Quark Inspector PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars PoolDoc 5 stars
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    Default Re: Cloudy Water

    The most common cause is an over-sized pump with an undersized sand filter: the pump actually drives the algae bits through the filter!

    Do the DE test to confirm: http://pool9.net/de-test Once your filter can PASS the DE test, continuing to use DE will help filter out the fine dead algae bits, but you'll have to backwash a lot!

    If your pool is too cloudy to allow the DE test, you'll need to inspect your filter, to check for missing sand. If you've noticed sand in the backwash line . . . you already know the answer.

    If you happen to have a cartridge or DE filter (not too common in Tennessee), it could be another problem

    Go ahead and fill out the pool equipment form: http://pool9.net/pf-pool-form . Try to include make/model of both your filter AND your pump. (The pump info is usually on the WET end of the pump, not the motor part. The motor label is often just a label the generic electric motor.)

    . . . membership updated.

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