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Thread: For a new pool instal what is the best pool controller?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Southern California

    Default For a new pool instal what is the best pool controller?

    We are installing a 17x35 shotcrete pool with a 7x8 spa and automatic pool cover. The coping was just poured. I would like to have a pool controller that is compatible with my iPhone/ipad. Our original contract was for an Easytouch controller and a remote control. The remote control is an extra $3350. My pb has said that if we want the smartphone capability we should get the Pentair Screenlogic wireless connection kit and Screenlogic kit with pc interface. He is charging us an additional $800 for the smart phone capability. This seems like a lot for the Screenlogic pc kit. Is this something we can add on our own?
    Do we even need the $3350 remote control if we get the Screenlogic2 interface kit and use our iphone/ipad?
    Thank you!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: For a new pool instal what is the best pool controller?

    You're asking the WRONG guy: my opinion on electronic pool controllers is that 90% of them should never be installed, since they have no genuinely useful function.

    If you have a solar system or an automated pool/spa switch-over, or an intermittent infinity edge or fountain . . . maybe. But otherwise I tend to seem them as expensive gizmos that will break, interfere with the pool's operation, and be hard to repair.

    That said, a lot of people like them AS LONG AS THEY WORK.

    So . . . get the system that someone LOCAL and TRUSTWORTHY will repair. It's useless to get a super system that nobody near you can service. Also, put surge protection on the system! You're in S Calif, so it's not an issue like it is here in the the east. But even in Calif you get surges when transformers overheat and go BANG!

    Put one of these pool-rated protectors on your controller, and another on any VS pump you get:
    Intermatic PS3000 Pool and Spa Surge Protective Device
    (. . . membership upgraded.)

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