As of about a week ago, my pool pump is not working. I have a hayward sp2300vsp. last week i came home early morning and found that my pump was running in high speed. at this time in the morning the pump should be on its low setting. atleast thats how its always been since the tech installed the pump 3 months ago. so i go look at the led display ang it reads pr8.15 which from what i've learned reading the manual is pr stands for prime. and the 8.15 stands for the amount of time left in prime mode. there is no reason the pump should prime for 8 hrs especially since it had already been running for 6hrs. the pump is only scheduled to run at high speed for 3 hrs. so i tried turning the pump off but when i pushed the run/ stop button the power completely shut off. i tried cutting power at the breaker and turning it back on but the pump wont run. the power led, and the led display blink but the pump wont run. can anyone tell me whats going on. the manual does not desribe any issue where the led display would be flashing.