Scrap one of the dots with a fingernail or even a toothpick. Smear the black residue on a white card. Black algae smears green.
You don't have to resurface the pool; you will need to run higher levels of chlorine . . . but with stabilizer levels above 50 ppm, you should be doing that anyhow. And . . . you'll need to learn to test your own pool, rather than depending on weekly Pinch-a-Penny testing.
1. Feel free to add plain 8% household bleach -- 1 gallon will raise your pool's chlorine level 5 - 6 ppm. Keep your chlorine levels above 2 ppm ALL the time.
2. Order a K2006 and a K1000 test kit (or get the K2006 and buy a local OTO/phenol red drops kit.) (page with links to Amazon below => K2006 is *not* available locally!
3. Read the Best Guess page, which explains the chlorine / CYA relationship.
4. Keep your pH below 7.8 all the time.
5. Post test results here when you have the K2006. Test strips, even dealer test strips = "guess" strips, especially with respect to CYA (stabilizer) levels.
6. Don't panic. Black algae can be managed successfully.