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Thread: New Thread with my results of first test

  1. #21
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    What's Chlorbrite? Leslie's had several chemicals with that name.

    In general:

    1. Never, EVER let any chemical (except maybe borax) come into direct contact the cyanuric acid. Be especially careful with cyanuric acid + calcium hypochlorite.

    2. In general, as long as you follow #1 above, you can treat your pool normally while adding CYA.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    This: http://www.lesliespool.com/leslies-c...nular-bags.htm

    But that page say 99% while the bag says 55%. Oh jeez... I am afraid I know just enough to get me in trouble around here. Please bear with me while I am still learning.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    It could be 99% dichlor dihydrate which would be 55% available chlorine. If so, it's fine.

    If you're not sure, post the EXACT ingredient names & % you see.

    BUT . . . be sure to continue to use bleach, till you know. Don't let your pool go green, while you get answers to your questions!!

  4. #24
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    I don't have straight bleach, yet. I hope to get to Wal-Mart today to stock up. I gotta use what I got ;-)

  5. #25
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    Quote Originally Posted by PoolDoc View Post
    It could be 99% dichlor dihydrate which would be 55% available chlorine. If so, it's fine.
    That appears to be correct. So after 4# of CYA last night and a 1# bag of dichlor first thing this morning, here are the latest numbers. (and I think I am getting it right, but still need to go get bleach)

    Free Chlorine 6.5
    Combined Chlorine 0.5
    PH 7.2
    Total Alkalinity 90
    Calcium Hardness 390
    CYA (Stabilizer) 50-55

    (Copy/Paste from my spreadsheet... sorry)

    So I will check it again in the morning and see what, if anything, I lose at night and one more time tomorrow after work to check daylight loss. But I am feeling better about things. Algae seems to be gone (or at least under control) and let's hope I have the persistence to keep this up.

  6. #26
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    Everything looks OK -- but be careful about using either baking soda (Alk Up) or soda ash (pH Up). With CH = 390, a heavy dose of either will precipitate calcium carbonate. Use borax to raise your pH, and you'll avoid that problem.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoolDoc View Post
    Everything looks OK -- but be careful about using either baking soda (Alk Up) or soda ash (pH Up). With CH = 390, a heavy dose of either will precipitate calcium carbonate. Use borax to raise your pH, and you'll avoid that problem.
    Is it something I should address now? As in, go about actively trying to lower CH? Or will it lower over the summer as I replace evaporation or drain from rain? Or should I just be aware of it and switch to borax?

    However, for three years I have been dumping Power Powder Plus (Cal-Hypo) in by the truck load. It explains why I never got a handle on things. I just saw it as some generic "shock"... Because I saw shock as shock. It was all the same to me. It's a wonder I am not in a worse place than I am now. A least... WAS... until about a month ago.

  8. #28
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    No, don't try to remove calcium. It can be done, but it's a pain and not necessary in your case.

    Just be careful about dumping soda ash / baking soda into the pool. If you stay away from the pool store, and listen to us, that shouldn't be an issue. But pool stores -- especially BioGuard stores with the "Alex" computerized dosing monster -- seem to love to recommend simultaneous large doses of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom.B View Post
    So I will check it again in the morning and see what, if anything, I lose at night
    FC=6.5 this morning. No overnight loss. (Water temp. 74 degrees)

  10. #30
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    Default Re: New Thread with my results of first test

    Sounds good.

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