Here's the list of codes --
User level codes:
Dealer-only level codes:
As you can see, your code 194 is a dealer-level 'bad cell voltage' code, that generates a bogus code 125. I'm not familiar with repairs on the Aquapure, so I don't know if you are in a 'fix' or a 'must replace' situation . . . but either way, it's not going to be cheap.
HOWEVER, there's no reason why you can't use your pool, just because your SWCG has failed. A SWCG is just a *METHOD* of adding chlorine to your pool; there are many other methods (including pouring bleach in) that we cover here.
The starting place, for managing your pool effectively and economically, is accurate testing. That means NO test strips, whether used by a dealer or you. There's a link in blue signature block to the testkit info page.
Good luck!