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Thread: what is on the bottom of my pool

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default what is on the bottom of my pool

    I live in Connecticut and have an above ground pool. My dad has had the pool for about 15 years and this year suddenly we keep finding these small things floating at the bottom that almost look like tiny tried up mulberrys but they but are black in color but just turn to mush when you try touching them. We arent sure what they are and my dad is hoping its not some animal droppings that may be swimming in our pool at night. Im posting some pictures. If anyone has any idea what they could be please let me know. THANKS!

    Here are some pictures of what we keep finding floating at the bottom of the pool...

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 07-21-2013 at 05:04 PM. Reason: fix pix

  2. #2
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    Default Re: what is on the bottom of my pool

    Quote Originally Posted by localh67 View Post
    . . . they but are black in color but just turn to mush when you try touching them. We aren't sure what they are and my dad is hoping its not some animal droppings that may be swimming in our pool at night.
    [ GROSS BUGS ALERT for Watermom: you don't want to read this post! ]

    More likely, droppings from animals that are in the trees above your pool! I'm about 99% sure they are caterpillar poop -- more specifically, hornworms. Tomato and tobacco hornworms are common in my area, but there are other species. They tend to be very large caterpillars, but they are extremely well camouflaged, so they can be very hard to see, even when you look right at them.

    Fortunately, caterpillar poop is much less likely to have germs that affect people then, say, raccoon poop. Still, keep your chlorine level up!

    Here are some articles and pictures:


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    Default Re: what is on the bottom of my pool

    Eeewwwwww!!!!! I shouldn't have looked! So, you mean I now have to worry about what is in the big tree that hangs over one side of my pool??!! Eww! YUCK!

    (I did not look at those links, however. I've known Ben long enough to know better!)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: what is on the bottom of my pool

    Thanks for the help Pooldoc. Im pretty sure thats exactly what is floating in our pool.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: what is on the bottom of my pool

    My biologist son was just by here -- we're wondering what is growing over your pool that has Sphingidae species in it. I'm pretty sure it's not tomatoes or tobacco.

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