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Thread: Need help! Another cloudy H20 question for a non-chlorine pool

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Need help! Another cloudy H20 question for a non-chlorine pool

    Any help with my problem with be greatly appreciated. I have a 24ft above ground non chlorine pool w/sand filter. Instead of chlorine I use a "copper" algaecide substitute that is recommended by the local pool company.

    Anyways, three days ago I shocked my pool with the suggested amount after noticing a slight green haze...the water turned extremely cloudy. I ran the filter for two days and noticed about a 50% difference...so the pool store suggested a clarifier. (the last time the pool became cloudy after shocking the filter cleaned it within two days on its own). I diluted and poured the recommended amount around the pool perimeter last night and ran the pump...then let it settle per the instructions. Well...nothing happened except that the cloudiness got about 10 time worse and nothing "settled" to the bottom as the instructions said it would. The cloudiness remained in the water. Woke up this morning and the water is still very cloudy. All PH levels are in range. My question is...if I used too much clarifier would the filtering system fix the cloudiness on it's own and would flocing the pool do any good since no dead algae settled to the pool for vacuuming after I tried the clarifier route?

    We're supposed to have a cookout this weekend and the wife is stressed because the pool isn't looking so good. Any help would be great and if your suggestions fix my cloudiness then I'll buy you a beer if you're coming through Oklahoma City (-:

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by PoolDoc; 07-10-2013 at 07:16 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Need help! Another cloudy H20 question

    We don't support "non-chlorine" systems . . . simply because they are ultimately 'un-supportable'.

    You've run into the 'wall' with these things: shocking is necessary, because copper / silver systems do not sanitize pools and do not oxidize swimmer wastes. But, once you're copper levels get high enough, shocking tends to screw things up.

    Mixing clarifiers and flocs can help, but only if you get lucky and get it right. That's hard to do, since none of the manufacturers tell you what's IN their clarifier or floc, and there are some products out there that work, individually, but are VERY incompatible with other products.

    Any suggestions we might offer could cause serious staining or other problems, given your possibly high copper levels.

    So, the only recommendation we can really offer is to talk to the people that sold you the system you have.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Need help! Another cloudy H20 question for a non-chlorine pool

    gotcha..thanks for the response. The pool store solved my issue

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Need help! Another cloudy H20 question for a non-chlorine pool


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