
He's welcome to any info he can find here, or get from a member. But the quotes below illustrate why the post got moved to the China Shop:

Quote Originally Posted by aerangis View Post
the primary defeciency being an extremely limited rf range of operation a significant lag in response times, even with a clean RF environment (low noise floor, no co-channel rf interference or signal degradation from adjacent transmitters, attenuating physical obstructions, etc.
Less than 10% of PF members can understand this sentence. My guess is, much less than 10%. That alone would put it here, along with some of the chemical discussions only a few can follow. Al (Poconos) probably knows more about the engineering concepts involved than anyone else here (or, for that matter, pretty much anywhere else) but he's retired and not -- as far as I know -- a big fan of electronic pool control.

Given the current state of pool technology, there has to be a better solution for acheiving my goals
(Emphasis mine) More people here could understand and discuss, from a business and financial point of view, why this is probably not so -- that there MUST be a solution, like he imagines, that would represent a genuine and attractive business opportunity for companies with the knowledge and resources to make it. But I've never seen a lot of interest in exploring such topics. (HINT: it has to do with the fact that consumers generally do NOT adopt better products rapidly; they only adopt better-marketed products rapidly. Nature2 is a successful product, from a financial point of view, but as far as we can tell, does almost nothing!)