Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel
Thanks Ben.
Will get right on it...just bought the 6% bleach and will start this evening. I need to get this clumped up algae off the top of my water...I think I can shop vac it off. My filter will clog up quickly now...can/should I just recirc with the bleach until I kill the majority....otherwise I can see myself back washing every 30 minutes. I can't see deeper than a foot or so into the water.
16'x30' rectangle 20K gal IG pool; chlorine feeder; Hayward S-210T sand filter; Hayward self prime 1.5 HP pump; 4 hours single speedhrs; have not used test kit yet this year. Have just been taking water samples to local pool supply. ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android tablet; PF:6