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Thread: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    North Carolina

    Question Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Help!

    I have worked hard and added all chemicals as instructed by Leslie where I bought chemicals, to get my water chemistry right. There seems to be some kind of tension on the water that does not let anything sink. I have shocked pool many times to kill algae. I have tried liquid floculant a couple days ago and ALUM today and it looks like scum floating on top of my pool (and the water is still green/yellow)

    I have let it sit 30 hours so far (after recirculating with last floculant add) and nothing is sinking. I have a 20,000 gal pool and I guess I was lucky the first year I uncovered it after buying the house....I threw floculant in and in 2 days I had clear water. I of course vacuumed to waste and got my water chemistry right immediately. I have used over $400 in chemicals so far and need to clear this up.

    Please help!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    Using non-alum flocculants successfully is tricky; using alum is very tricky. It's very common for them to work well twice and fail the third time OR vice versa. We tend to dislike them here, not because they never work, but because they don't always work.

    But, in general, you cannot floc live algae . . . and if it's green, it's live!

    Do all these things:

    1. Get a good test kit; use it; report the results! (Links below)
    2. Run your filter 24/7 -- on low speed if you have 2 speeds; add 5 gallons of PLAIN 6% (chk %) household bleach EVERY EVENING, till the pool has no green.
    3. Stop adding stuff you don't really understand.
    4. Complete the Pool Chart

    Good luck!


    + Here are links to the kits we recommend (you can check local availability on the HTH kit, using the Walmart link):
    HTH 6-Way Test Kit @ Walmart
    Taylor K2006A (3/4 oz bottles) @ Amazon
    Taylor K2006C (2 oz bottles) @ Amazon
    + It's much easier to answer your questions, when we have the details about your pool in one place. We often 'waste' the first few posts back and forth collecting information. So, please complete our new Pool Chart form -- it takes about 30 seconds, but will save much more than that.
    Pool Chart Entry Form

  3. #3
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    North Carolina

    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    Thanks Ben.

    Will get right on it...just bought the 6% bleach and will start this evening. I need to get this clumped up algae off the top of my water...I think I can shop vac it off. My filter will clog up quickly now...can/should I just recirc with the bleach until I kill the majority....otherwise I can see myself back washing every 30 minutes. I can't see deeper than a foot or so into the water.
    16'x30' rectangle 20K gal IG pool; chlorine feeder; Hayward S-210T sand filter; Hayward self prime 1.5 HP pump; 4 hours single speedhrs; have not used test kit yet this year. Have just been taking water samples to local pool supply. ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android tablet; PF:6

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    Quote Originally Posted by chillinNed View Post
    can/should I just recirc with the bleach until I kill the majority...
    That's fine.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    OK.... I've been putting in the 5 gal of bleach every night.

    No more green..... the water is just cloudy looking now and kind of greyish.

    How do I clear it up to where the water is clear?
    16'x30' rectangle 20K gal IG pool; chlorine feeder; Hayward S-210T sand filter; Hayward self prime 1.5 HP pump; 4 hours single speedhrs; have not used test kit yet this year. Have just been taking water samples to local pool supply. ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android tablet; PF:6

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    1. Brush and vacuum.
    2. Clean your filter as often as needed, but no more.
    3. Run your pump 24/7, but on low speed or with restricted flow if you can. (Slow filters smaller!)
    4. Fill out the pool chart (or tell me if you've already done so):
    Pool Chart Entry Form

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    Thanks... will be continuing with your advice. I can't see the bottom in the deep end (8') and what to vacuum as the water is too cloudy. Is the cloudy particles just dead algae..and will a sand filter trap that? I have filled out the pool chart. My pump only has one speed.
    16'x30' rectangle 20K gal IG pool; chlorine feeder; Hayward S-210T sand filter; Hayward self prime 1.5 HP pump; 4 hours single speedhrs; have not used test kit yet this year. Have just been taking water samples to local pool supply. ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android tablet; PF:6

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    The particles in the water are just being recirculated back into the pool..the filter is not taking them out. What should I do?
    16'x30' rectangle 20K gal IG pool; chlorine feeder; Hayward S-210T sand filter; Hayward self prime 1.5 HP pump; 4 hours single speedhrs; have not used test kit yet this year. Have just been taking water samples to local pool supply. ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android tablet; PF:6

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    Quote Originally Posted by chillinNed View Post
    What should I do?
    Fill out the chart, so I can see what you're dealing with!

  10. #10
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    North Carolina

    Default Re: Floculant not working ... stuff floating on top of water instead of sinking. Hel

    I have filled out the chart and submitted a couple times. I must not be doing something right. I'll try again. How can I tell if my chart is posted or not?..where would I find it.
    16'x30' rectangle 20K gal IG pool; chlorine feeder; Hayward S-210T sand filter; Hayward self prime 1.5 HP pump; 4 hours single speedhrs; have not used test kit yet this year. Have just been taking water samples to local pool supply. ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android tablet; PF:6

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