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Thread: New Above Ground pool question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default New Above Ground pool question

    I can think of a thousand questions but let me start with the two that are preventing me from pulling the trigger

    We have a problem with moles in our yard and have been unable to keep them out. Is their anything that can be done during pool installation to help nullify this problem from affecting our pool?

    Also, our ideal spot is 20ft from a very large tree. While not an issue now, I'm worried about future root problems. Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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    waste is offline PF Support Team Whizbang Spinner waste 3 stars waste 3 stars waste 3 stars
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    Default Re: New Above Ground pool question

    Welcome to The Forum!

    As far as the roots go, 20' away probably takes the roots out of the picture. The only way they'd mess with your A/G pool is if they broke the ground surface. As long as no roots break the surface within ~10' of the proposed pool, you'll be fine for the life of the pool.

    Moles, on the other hand, can and will tunnel under an A/G pool causing 'sink lines' which will overstress the liner. I can't think of any practical way to shield the pool area from mole invasion, so I'd say you need to eliminate them.

    Luv & Luk, Ted

    Having done construction and service for 4 pool companies in 4 states starting in 1988, what I know about pools could fill a couple of books - what I don't know could fill libraries

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