Yeah, I have a pretty good idea what it is, but now is not the time to focus on it. Do this:
1. Add PLAIN 6% bleach at the rate of 6 gallons EACH evening.
2. See if you can get the HTH 6-way kit at your Walmart (check availability)
3. If you can't get a cheap OTO (yellow drops) kit
4. Keep your chlorine readings in the DARK yellow range -- skip the evening dose if the color in the EVENING is DARK yellow or orange
5. Brush the entire pool to make sure no algae is left in the cracks and crannies.
6. Test the pH when the chlorine is MEDIUM yellow or less; use muriatic acid to adjust the pH to near 7.0; keep it there (see the muriatic acid guide in my signature)
7. Report stabilizer, calcium and alkalinity results as soon as you can. If you get the HTH 6-way, run those tests when the chlorine is MEDIUM yellow or less. Otherwise, see if you can get a pool store to do those test ASAP.
8. Order a K2006 -- Wednesday or Thursday. The regular sellers are currently out of stock and will need a day or two. (Link in my sig) HTH 6-way is made by Taylor and is compatible.
Focus right now on get the water clear and clean, and finding out what your test values are. Do NOT try to scrub the scale too hard; you'll damage your liner. You CAN remove the scale safely, but it will take awhile. If you have a heater or an SWCG, do NOT operate them, till you have reported test results. Once the pool is clear and clean, you can swim, scale or no scale.