Quote Originally Posted by chem geek View Post
As a point of reference, the LD50 level for hypochlorite is 5800 mg/kg so even a 50 pound child would have to drink 347 gallons of 100 ppm FC pool water to have a 50% chance of dying.
Thanks Chem_Geek. And, to put that 347 gallons in perspective, about 20 years ago a lady accidentally drank about 4 oz. of bleach, after setting her juice glass next to a glass which had bleach in it. She then panicked and drank 2 gallons of water to 'dilute' the bleach. The bleach wouldn't have hurt her, but the water killed her, by so diluting the electrolytes in her body.

So, a child COULD NOT drink that much water -- they would die from over hydration long before the chlorine could have any effect.