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Thread: Intex installation and trouble-shooting videos, how-to's and manuals

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    Default Intex installation and trouble-shooting videos, how-to's and manuals

    Intex (www.intexcorp.com) has a wealth of information on their website for their customers, but it's often hard to find. And, if you find it, it can be very slow to download. I've begun archiving this information in various places, to make it more accessible.

    Here are the Intex intallation, and troubleshooting videos, which I've put on YouTube:

    Setup & installation videos
    Intex round metal frame above-ground pool setup - 3:34 on YouTube

    Intex metal frame oval above ground pool setup - 5:13 on YouTube

    Intex Ultra rectangular metal frame above ground pool setup - 5:39 on YouTube

    Intex Easy-Set inflatable above ground pool setup - 4:29 on YouTube


    Installing Intex above-ground pool ladders - 3:51 on YouTube

    Intex surface skimmer installation and operation - 1:39 on YouTube

    Trouble shooting problems
    Trouble shooting Intex filters & pumps - 3:44 on YouTube

    Trouble shooting Intex above ground pool accessories - 2:16 on YouTube

    Trouble shooting Intex above-ground pool setup, operation, and storage - 2:59 on YouTube

    Specific equipment

    Using the Intex pool maintenance kit - 2:36 on YouTube

    Intex 16" sand filter & pump - 10:33 on YouTube

    Intex 530 gal/hr pump & filter model no. 603604 - 3:38 on YouTube

    Intex 1000 gal/hr pump & filter model no. 637R638R - 3:49 on YouTube

    Intex 1500 gal/hr pump & filter model no.633T634T - 5:44 on YouTube

    Intex 2500 gal/hr pump & filter model no.633T634T - 6:10 on YouTube

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 04-25-2012 at 12:39 PM.

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