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Thread: Filling our NEW AGP now, but need help with ground wire/ground field?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Filling our NEW AGP now, but need help with ground wire/ground field?

    We had a 27ft AGP installed the other day and we have been filling it since Thursday. My husband ran the electric for the pump/filter himself.

    Our county (the only county in the area, actually) mandates that we have a copper ground field or whatever around the pool. I guess it is one piece of copper wire that connects back to the pool in four spots and down on a rod or something like that. We are unsure of what we are supposed to do...how we do it...or anything about it.

    To make matters worse, I talked to three different installers and none of them know anything about it, either. One said that nobody does it, dont waste our time. Another one said that they have never heard of it it, and the other one said he didnt know anything about it, just knew that we were supposed to do it.

    Can someone help?

    I did not do a sig line because I dont know what we have...except for a
    27ft AGP
    Hayward DE filter and pump

    Thats all i know.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Filling our NEW AGP now, but need help with ground wire/ground field?

    It sounds like someone is mandating that your pool be "bonded", which is related to, but distinct from "grounding".

    This thread: http://www.poolforum.com/pf2/showthr...al-Safety-Tips
    covers the issues extensively.

    However, a key question in your case is this: HOW is the county mandating this, WHO is enforcing it, and WHAT -- precisely -- are they saying you must do?

    We can tell you how you can bond a pool, even an AG one. But if we do, without examining your precise requirements, you could end up having to tear all that out, and replace it with a conforming bonding layout.

  3. #3
    posguy is offline Registered+ Thread Analyst posguy 0
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    Default Re: Filling our NEW AGP now, but need help with ground wire/ground field?

    Put a call into the electrical inspector, they are usually available in the am before inspections and "usually" dont mind guiding you in the right direction. I only needed the pool to be bonded, a 8ga bare copper wire from pool structure (bolted to wall seam) to lug on pump motor.

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