Hubby opened the pool yesterday (15 x 24 above ground)....water nice, just a bit cloudy. I did see him scrubbing the ring around the liner with the squeeze bottle/scrubber remover..and he also used an algecide.....then he shocked it with liquid chlorine....took a read out and showed "0" level of chlorine....so he put the powder chlorine in and same "0" reading...

I saw in one of the "hint" pages this..

Try to avoid using a bunch of foamy algaecides or foamy tile line cleaners. These can create a chlorine demand in your pool that won't quit. This means you'll add chlorine, and add chlorine, and nothing will seem to happen. This is NOT A GOOD THING. [/SIZE][/SIZE]

How do we adjust so that we can build up the chlorine level...don't remember this happening last year!! )