New to sight and need some help cause I ain't getting from the pool store. I can't get my free chlorine up. My pool is in ground vinyl 21000g. Opened beginning of May and still won't hold chlorine. Water is clear. Had a couple bouts with green tint but hit with shock and looks good now. Have not been using tabs for weeks until yesterday. I shocked and added 1 tab. Don't have test kit. Usually use strips or take to pool store and get tested. Had it tested today but left sheet at store. Sundays #'s below.
FC - 0.2
TC - 0.6
CC - 0.4
TA - 130
PH - 7.3 Think it ws 7 today
Hardness 400
CYA - 61 today was 94. don't get it
Sat index - 0.20
Last 3 shocks treated with 2 lbs Dychlor each time.

Somebody please help me get this fixed!