We are owner builders and the pool is now plastered. The plasterer's couldn't give much specific information and 3M refused. I found some powerpoint slides online talking about Exposed Aggregate Water balance:

Week #1
pH 6.0 - 6.5
Alk 60 - 70 <- confusing I thought should be 0?
Ca 190 - 200
Sequestering 15 - 20

We are to brush 2 times a day minimum. My question is do we run the pump/D.E. filter during this week? I'd be worried the pH would ruin the equipment especially the heater? How about the Metal SAM/SAL light rings won't this ruin the metal? Should we add a anti-stain agent? If so which one? Would tomorrow night be to late? (hate to ask hubby to take another day off & I can't drive).

Week #2
pH 7.0 - 7.6
Alk 60 - 70
Ca 190 - 200
Sequestering 15 - 20

Brushing once or twice a day until we get aggregate appearance, get rid of any white streaking, smooth out plaster. Once the pH goes above 7 start the pumps and filter?

Anyway with the pool filling as we speak (It's almost filled and I'm staying up to do the first water test) I'm terrified to dump in Muriatic acid with those metal light rings!
