I'm planning to set up my Intex 9x18 and I am pretty sure i want to order a salt-water system, as the super-simple pool chemistry method using chorline and borax looks very high-maintenance to me, esp when we're away this summer.

My questions:
1. Which system should I buy? This one seems v good but pricey: http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/intex-kr...FVc2aQod6gEARg
Is that too much for my small pool? If so what do you recommend?
2. the Instruction video indicates you need to set this up BEFORE filling pool. Since i haven't ordered one yet I take it this would be a big mistake for me to set up pool Wednesday, as i planned, since it will take a week to deliver? Or can i assemble and fill pool and do the borax/bleach thing for a week and then switch to salt?
3. I assume it would be very bad to set it up wednesday and not fill it, since if it rains that will go algae-ish very quickly, correct?
