Hello, I just purchased a house with a concrete pool. It's a little odd shaped kind of kidney shaped but not quite with a hot tub that overflows to the pool. The seller's tell me it's a 15000 gallon pool. I ordered a k-2006 kit and tested today.
.6 ppm of free chlorine
.2 ppm combined chlorine
7.8 pH and acid demand test took 2 drops to lower it to just above 7.4. I think it's supposed to be between 7.4-7.6 but I guess maybe it can be a little high and be fine? I'm going to research an article I saw here about running the pH higher and see if that works for me.
900 ppm total alkalinity which seems crazy high to me. The little sheet I got from the pool says it should be between 80-120 which I think is probably accurate.. After freaking out I checked it on the other side of the pool and got a reading of 100 but I only tested at 10ml with reduced drops because I was expecting much higher amount.
Calcium hardness is 250ppm which I think is okay for concrete chlorine pool.