Run your tests again, only use the 10 ml line instead of the 25 ml line for chlorine (saves your FAS-DPD reagents). You listed TC but the kit tests for FC and CC. TC=FC + CC. Still, you and the stores looked close.
pH: Run your test again--that's awfully different than the two stores. I suspect you didn't read it correctly.
TA: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT! And don't add the baking soda. Pool stores make more of an issue of TA being low than it needs to be.
Hardness: Test again with your kit, but I suspect your number is the best. Don't drain just to lower it.
CYA: Here you're all over the map. You have 360 (not 400) but the two stores have 100. Try the test again, normally, and see what you get.

IF your numbers are ACTUALLY:
CC: <.5
pH: 7.6
TA: 70-80
CH: 400
CYA: 100

and your pool is clear then go swimming!

But run your tests again and see what you get. I like running the CYA test multiple times by pouring the solution back into the squeeze bottle then adding it to the black dot tube again. I'll always do it at least 2 times, sometimes 3.