Ben - you helped me last year understand why I could not keep my FC level up, and my PH level kept dropping. I had a CYA around 240, I was using Tri-chlor tablets which kept pushing my PH down. I switch to the BBB method and WOW what a difference. This spring when we opened the pool, it was the absolutely BEST opening we've had in it's 16 yr history !!! So Kudos to you and pool forum !!
Now this year my CYA is about 140, so I'm keeping my FC around 8-14. My PH seems to be reading close to 8.0. I've read where if you keep a FC above 10ppm that you will get a falsey high PH reading. So my question to you is, is that correct ? If so, should I only test my PH when below 10ppm ?
Thanks again, I can't tell you how much $$ we've saved this year and how sparkling our water looks, best ever !!