Woo-hoo *doing a little happy dance* I thought I'd post a positive story about removing iron from your pool I bought an 18ftx48" Intex above the ground pool (5,455 gal) and after doing a lot of research on iron and water decided on running a GAME AquaQuick 3/4 HP Sand Filter and Pump System for it. Our well water has 80ppm iron in it, we have a very shallow well and we've had a lot of flooding this year so needless to say our water is pretty disgusting. It took two days to fill the pool up to get it ready for the filtering system. The water was so brown that you could put your hand in the water and not be able to see it 6inches down. At the suggestion of pooldoc on here I added some polyquat to my pool and then I just let the filter do it's job. I did add a sock stuffed with old wash cloths to the return for a 4 hours but took it off because it was a little too much work to keep cleaning. The sand filter runs at 2500 gallon's per hour and after 48 hours of it running constantly we have clear water, I have to vacuum the bottom to get some iron residue and sand off (I pulled a dumbo move and hooked up my backwash tube wrong so when cleaning the sand it went back into the pool...live and learn). So there is hope for those with awful water. I highly recommend upgrading to a sand filter. Good luck to everyone else!