Again, thanks for the input. My chlorine was down to about 2 or 3 this morning when I tested but after reading your post I put the Magnet stuff in. The water was pretty clear before I put it in except for a film on top (not sure if that is part of the copper reaction or what) so it should look good in no time.

On the plus side, I have been taking ph readings and adding Borax slowly while waiting for the chlorine to drop and had my ph up to 7.2 this morning, so had a good start point before putting in the magnet.

As for where the copper came from, it sounds like I have not been doing my heat pump and favors with my ph and TA but tests earlier this season were fine so the drop is relatively recent (from not testing enough I fully admit, an error that will not be repeated by me), but I do use well water to top off so that could be a source as well.

I had actually looked up the Sparkle Up too, and don't see how it would take any metal out, but seems like an interesting thing to add to the DE once or twice a season to really get the water clean.

Thanks again and I will keep everyone informed of how things go, and I will likely be taking another water sample to the pool store to test after a week or so to see how the copper number comes out.