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Thread: New to Forum could use a little help

  1. #1
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    Default New to Forum could use a little help

    My first pool coming in two days, size is 21' by 52". I'm reading as much as possible but am freightened this is going to turn into a never ending battle.

    I have Iron bacteria in my water (well) and anything I fill with water eventually turns brown. I am going to shock my well before filling the pool but not sure if it will help much.

    Tested the water at a pool shop:

    Tot Chlorine: .3
    Free Chrlorine: .3
    Hardness: 265
    Total Alkalinity: 206
    Iron : 2

    Any suggestions on what to do during the first fill to help avoid the iron issues?
    Any other Newbie Best Practices with my first fill would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    What's the pH of your fill water? High TA and pH, along with high Cl levels, could cause a problem for you if you don't use metal sequestrant. Marie (Mbar) is our resident metals expert, and should be along shortly to give you some advice. IN the meantime, read as much of the "Metals" forum posts as you can--the better you understand the process, the easier handling your pool will be.

    Welcome to the forum!!


  3. #3
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    The PH says >7.3. I'll also check out the metals forum. I just shocked my well tonight and hoping it will bring down the iron but no guarentees.
    Any additional help is appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    I would add a metal sequestering agent to your pool water before you add the bleach. Add even a little more than the bottle says you need. Your ph is good, so I think you will be ok. Let us know how you do.
    Northeast PA
    16'x32' kidney 16K gal IG fiberglass pool; Bleach; Hayward 200lb sand filter; Hayward pump; 24hrs; Pf200; well; summer: none; winter: mesh; ; PF:7.5

  5. #5
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    Thanks a bunch. I shocked my well last night to knock down the iron. Will wait till next week, test then fill.

    One Question: Should I add anything along with the sequestering agent when I fill?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    No, don't add anything else while filling. Once the pool is filled you can stat to balance the water. Make sure you have a good test kit that tests for Chlorine, (free chlorine & combined chlorine) Ph, Alkalinity, Calcium and Cya.
    Northeast PA
    16'x32' kidney 16K gal IG fiberglass pool; Bleach; Hayward 200lb sand filter; Hayward pump; 24hrs; Pf200; well; summer: none; winter: mesh; ; PF:7.5

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    Hi Jkoch;

    Have wrestled with pools filled with metal contaminated well water many times. There's no perfect solution.

    First, with almost no exceptions, pool products for stains and metal control do NOT remove the metals from the water or the pool. They may temporarily make them disappear, but all the metal is still there.

    Second, there are only three places metals in your pool water can go: (1) your filter, (2) your water, OR (3) your pool -- as stains. Obviously, #1 is to be preferred, since that's the only way you can get it OUT of your pool.

    Third, if you put metals in your pool, you will have stain problems. Period. If it's only a little metal, especially iron, the problem can be small. Otherwise . . .

    Fourth, the only way to really avoid problems with metals in your pool, is to not put them in your pool in the first place.

    In a situation like yours there are a few things you can do that will help. For example with iron or manganese, shocking your well (how do you do that??) might leave some of the metals in the well.

    But to keep metals out of the pool here's what I'd recommend:
    1. Make sure your filter is big enough -- that means bigger than standard for AG pools.
    2. Chlorinate with trichlor via the skimmer -- this will tend to oxidize the iron so it will be filtered out.
    3. Using cal hypo tabs would be even better (not at the same time as trichlor!!), if you could find any, but . . .
    4. Failing that, read this thread: http://www.poolforum.com/pf2/showpos...2&postcount=27

    Let me know if any of this makes sense.

    Last edited by PoolDoc; 06-15-2010 at 10:26 AM. Reason: Fix a stoopid oops -- left out a key word.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    Quote Originally Posted by PoolDoc View Post

    In a situation like yours there are a few things you can do that will help. For example with iron or manganese, shocking your well (how do you do that??) might leave some of the metals in the well.

    I know! I know!

    Cal-hypo pellets!

    We have a well drilled into a "sulfur vein", common in this part of Pennsylvania. What that means, in practice, is that the well water contains sulfur producing bacteria which are harmless but exceedingly stinky. Think rotten eggs. We treat the raw well water with an apparatus which injects a chlorine mist into it and then filters that out via a carbon filter.

    About once every other year when the equipment fails due to corrosion of parts from the chlorine we have to shock the well.You do that by dropping chlorine pellets directly into the well. The amount depends on the depth of water in the well; you're shooting for 5 ppm for shock level. People who use pellets to sanitize their wells on a daily basis maintain somewhere between 0.6 to 3 ppm.

    The pellets are 3/8" in diameter x 5/16" long and weigh 1 g each. 70% cal-hypo.

    Aren't you glad you asked?
    Oval 12.5K gal AGP; Hayward 19" sand filter; Pentair Dyn 1 HP 2sp pump on timer
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    What do those pellets cost? How fast would they dissolve in a skimmer?

    Pellets like those could help a LOT of people with metal problems.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: New to Forum could use a little help

    Thanks for the input. I shocked my well yesterday with hopes of reducing the iron.

    What about filling with my softened water?

    It will take a few days but the softener dealer looked at the 14.5K gallons to fill an said it would work. My softeners utilizes fine mesh resin which has in the past taken out most if not all of my iron. Typically a fine mesh resin softener can take up to 3 ppm of iron out reasonably well.

    So, Should I use softened water?

    Thanks a bunch.

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