First off, Welcome to the Forum.
Secondly, put those other chemicals aside for a little while (like until the next millennium! ) You are going to need to stick to chlorine and a few other simple chemical--but no clarifiers, flocculents, algaecides, phosphate removers, etc.
We have to start by getting a baseline. I'm guessing your pool is between 22,000 and 25,000 gallons (the former if your water is 3'6" deep, the latter if it's 4' deep--the water, not the pool), unless you have a deep end or deep center.
We will need the following tests--the pool store can give them and when they try to sell you something you can say "I'm just checking on the stuff I got from you last time".
FC: Free Chlorine
CC: Combined Chloramines
TC: Total Chlorine (Since TC=FC+CC, we only need either TC or CC)
pH: Yup, THAT pH--same as chem class. But swim water needs to be slightly more basic than 7.0 neutral--7.2-7.8
T/A: Total alkalinity--a measure of the buffering of pH
CYA: Cyanuric Acid, called Stabilizer or Conditioner. You need some to keep chlorine from disappearing too fast, but too much causes other difficulties.
CH: Calcium Hardness. For a vinyl pool there is no "too low" despite what pool stores say. There is, however, a "Too High" so we need to know that.
You should get yourself a proper test kit and learn to use it--it's not hard, but it's well worth the $50 to $70 it costs, paying you back a 100x over every year. We recommend the Taylor K-2006 FAS-DPD test kit or the Leslie's FAS-DPD Service Test Kit, which is basically the same thing. Unfortunately ALL FAS-DPD test kits, regardless of brand are only available on-line--your odds of finding one in a local pool store are zippo (I found just the FAS-DPD chlorine test, without the others once--5 years ago!). Order it today --one of the other mods can point you to the best place to buy.
We also need to know if you've added either a copper-based algaecide or ammonia-based one. Do NOT add either if you haven't, and don't add more if you have.
Next I advise you to go to our "DEALING WITH ALGAE" section and start reading the threads at the top that are stickied. They aren't long and they are easy.
Also read up on the B-B-B system of pool care. You'll be AMAZED to know that most of the chemicals you ACTUALLY need for your pool are sold far cheaper at your grocery store or local hardware store and are easily available:
Bleach, Borax, Baking Soda, Washing Soda, Muriatic Acid.
The process you need to go through is very simple.
In a nutshell:
You need to put enough chlorine in your pool to poison and kill the algae until it's completely and totally dead--and get it out of there.
You'll need to keep the pH correct, and make sure you don't throw any chems in willy-nilly because the pool store said to.
There's nothing mysterious or magic about pool care. It's simple and easy, even when you have problems. We are here to help but you'll have to do all the heavy lifting--it's your pool. Your most important ingredient will be P.O.P.P. which is Pool Owner Patience and Persistence.
We REMOVE the magic from pool care. But there is no magic solution you dump in and POW! your water is ready.
So...load up on bleach, and start reading--and get us those numbers!