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Thread: Can a leaking Jandy "Check Valve" with clear top be "fixed"?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Can a leaking Jandy "Check Valve" with clear top be "fixed"?

    I just noticed that the clear-top Jandy "Check Valve" that's somewhere in the pipeline is leaking (water seeps through and drips).

    I have some questions which I'd appreciate any pointer/help on:

    1. Has anybody ever tried to "fix" such a leak? If so, is it just a matter of emptying up the line and opening up the screws and cleaning something in it? The valve itself doesn't have any crack and the water seems to be leaking from the junction between the clear top and the black body.

    2. Is there anything I should know about to be careful while trying to unscrew the 8 screws on the top?

    3. Do these things have any kind of warranty?

    Here are 2 pictures of it:

  2. #2
    Poconos is offline SuperMod Emeritus Whizbang Spinner Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars
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    Default Re: Can a leaking Jandy "Check Valve" with clear top be "fixed"?

    I know nothing about this particular valve, in fact I never saw one like this. Anyhow, anything that has screws for disassembly should be able to be fixed if nothing is broken. Looks like maybe a simple gasket replacement. Have you tried torqueing the screws to see if that stops the leak? The sequence for tightening on anything with a circular pattern is: label the screws 1 --> 8 in order. Then tighten in this order: 1,5,2,7,4,8,3,7. Also don't go right to the final torque. Walk it up in a few steps. This is a general rule for anything like this including multi-port valve assemblies and even lugnuts on a wheel. Hopefully someone else will chime in with specifics.
    Best I can do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Can a leaking Jandy "Check Valve" with clear top be "fixed"?

    Thank you for your reply, Poconos.

    I contacted Jandy (Zodiac Pool Systems) and they're sending a replacement o-ring which is the "gasket replacement" you were referring to.

    Hopefully that'd stop the leakage.

  4. #4
    Poconos is offline SuperMod Emeritus Whizbang Spinner Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars
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    Default Re: Can a leaking Jandy "Check Valve" with clear top be "fixed"?

    Good. Probably will fix the problem.

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