Winterizing solar panels
I know that I am WAY ahead of the game, since I have JUST opened the pool, but I installed sungrabber solar panels for an IG pool this year and I have a couple of questions about what to do in the fall when I close the pool.
1. Why is it, if you have an above ground pool w/ panels you have to remove the panels and store inside??? And why is it ok to leave IG pool panels on the roof over the winter????
I have installed (5) 2'x20' panels on my roof. I have a 15" slope on the panels that will drain towards the inlet side of the panels. This is above and beyond what the install manual said, to have 1" of drop for every 10'. That is the only information I have gleened about winterizing these panels.
What is the proper way to winterize the panels for IG pools so I don't open next year to a sprinkler system on my roof????
Thanks for any and all input. I know, I shouldn't be thinking about closing the pool, just wanted to throw this out and give you all some time to post some thoughts.
Ted (TRHOD) North Canton, Ohio
1974 Anthony 24,000 gal IG vinyl, Hayward sand filter/1hp superpump. (5) 2x20ft sungrabber solar panel roof mounted
Acquired pool June 2006 Been BBBing ever since