When I was shopping for a pump and filter for my used 24 ft above ground pool I went to a local chain. I knew basically that I wanted the .75 hp 2 speed dynamo pump and the Hayward s220t filter. The first guy told me that the filter was way too big for the pump and would never be able to push the water through the sand. The manager overheard the conversation and appologized because this guy was new. He tried to sell me one of the cartrige filter packs for above ground pools. I told him I really just wanted the this pump and this filter. He told me that if I used that pump it would blow the liner off the pool. He also joked that most of the people that come into the store are looking for concrete. I must have look confused, he said you know to fill in their pool!

Thanks for such a great forum I can proudly report the water flows through the filter and has not blown the liner off the pool. Now if I can just find something to do with my bleach bottles.
