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It sounds so easy and nice! Haven't received my PoolBuster back from WaterTek. Purchased a Polaris 380 last year when PB went bust. Polaris worked like a charm last year. I was pleased with it's ability to get everything off the pool bottom. This year is another story........seems to circle alot, doesn't get the shallow end much at all. Don't know if it's the cold water, or what. All I know is that I am tired of fighting any and all pool cleaners. Jeez, what does a gal have to do to keep her pool decent these days! A friend of a friend has a Aquabot T2 and loves it...they have a 20x40 IG vinyl. They have been thru the gambit of pool cleaners, too. While I really don't want to buy another pool cleaner again this season, I may have to bite the bullet and get a robotic. Most seem to be in the same ball park cost wise, so it's a matter of finally getting fed up with it all. I'm not there quite yet.