1. Assuming you're adding chlorine in the form of bleach, you can add it through the skimmer if you want, but I personally would add it in front of the return since you're converting....you want all the killing power available to break down the Baq, and don't want all your chlorine used up "killing" whatever is already in your filter.
2. I would allow the chlorine 1-2 hours to circulate before getting an accurate test, but keep in mind that the Baq in the water is going to start using it up pretty much immediately after you use it. I would use the bleach calculator to figure out how much you need for the initial dose and go with that...then just measure your levels again before you're ready to redose.
3. I wouldn't use the cheap kit for conversion, because it will only be accurate up to about 5 ppm, and you need much higher levels of chlorine than that for a successful conversion.
4. You need to be filtering the water as the conversion goes along--as the Baq is broken down it goes into the filter, so keep an eye on your pressure, because you may need to backwash it frequently.
5. Yes, vacuuming and brushing the pool daily will help speed up your conversion time. Don't forget to wait until your chlorine level is holding overnight before changing your sand...but a sand change will be necessary to complete your conversion.
Oh, and expect your pool to turn all sorts of odd colors during the conversion....don't let it scare you!!