I really messed up this morning. My jandy JVA 2440 Actuator Valve wasnt working .It was making noise So i decdied to remove it from the valve and look inside to see what gears where damaged. Well they all looked ok
When I did this I the Aqualink was off but I FORGOT to turn off power to it. I then hooked everything back up and My Aqualink is not working its completely dead expect for tranformer hummm.

I checked the 3 amp fuse on the back of the main PCB circuit board. The fuse is not blown. I HOPE i didnt burn out the board. I am hoping someone here can tell me what I can do. I did try the reset button on the main board but nothing.

So now I made I simple problem into I big problem. I cant believe I didnt shut off the power first.

HELP ?????
Does anyone know who I can send this too to get fixed. I will call jandy in the morning.
This has ready upset my sunday football mind frame.

I await any reply
thanks GB