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Thread: Lowering alkalinity: PS234 & PH readings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Lowering alkalinity: PS234 & PH readings

    I opened my pool two weeks ago. I never bothered checking PH until after I added about a foot of well water. Then, my alkalinity was 260. At the time my PH was 7.5. I have been adding muriatic acid to keep the PH around (what i think) is 7.3-7.4 and aerating with step jets and return eyeballs pointed up. After two weeks, the TA is down to 190.

    I know that I really need to get the PH down lower for the aeration to work effectively. The problem is that I have a hard time interpreting the PH lower than 7.5 on my PS234 kit. I am scared to death that I will get it too low. The lowest I have had it, the sample was almost clear with just a hint of pink. I could see almost no pink if I held the sample in front of the white inner lid of the kit. With a clear sky as a background I could see that it was slightly pink.
    Do you think I was still above 7.2 ?

    The 7.2 reference on my kit looks almost orange and 6.8 reference looks orange-yellow. I was expecting to go directly form pink to orange, so I was confused by the almost clear reading.

    Current readings for 23,000 IG
    FC 5.0
    CC .5
    PH 7.2
    TA 190
    CYA 30
    Last edited by LearningCurve; 05-27-2007 at 06:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Lowering alkalinity: PS234 & PH readings

    Well, for giggles I tested my well water PH. It matched the reference for 7.2. So I guess the "clear...slightly pink" sample from the pool was somewhere above 7.2 but below the 7.5

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