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Thread: Test results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Test results

    Using Ben's kit here are my results:
    Ph 7.5
    FC 2.5
    CC 0
    Alk 90
    Cal 130
    CYA 0 (pool store said I had 70--but I have tested and retested)
    Salt 3000

    Last week my Alk and Ph were not right (alk 50 & Ph 7.2) and I had let my FC drop so I had some algae growth. So I used baking soda to adjust my TA and kept the pool at shock levels...but the pool still had not cleared up. So, I was adding some DE to my sand filter to see if that would help, but I accidentally put in too much and it blew past my filter. I have been vacuuming that up as it settles to the bottom of the pool.
    So, now the shallow end is clear but in the deep end it is still a little cloudy.
    What should I do now???
    Should I add enough CYA to get all the way up to my SWG's recommendation of 60-80?
    And my SWG also recommends Cal of 200-400, I have a liner pool so I haven't worried too much about my Ca being low. Should I adjust it or leave it alone?

  2. #2
    waste is offline PF Support Team Whizbang Spinner waste 3 stars waste 3 stars waste 3 stars
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    Smile Re: Test results

    Kay, sorry to hear you've got cloudy water again (are you sure the landscaper didn't pay you a quick visit ?)

    If you have no cya in the water, the sun may be eating up the cl very quickly and algae may be trying to take hold, you might want to invest in a few gal of bleach and see if it helps. Again, if there's no cya in the water, you need to add some - it's a good idea to take it up slowly. {my opinion used to be to keep the cya at 30-40ppm -- after reading discussions here (mostly in the China Shop section), I'm now adding enough to get to 45-60ppm on SWCG pools, please read the info and decide for yourself where you want the cya to be!}
    As for the calcium, I think you've got enough to satisfy any demand the water would create in a liner pool -- (the calcium level is another 'China Shop' topic - it relates to the Langlier index which was never intended to be used for pools {open systems}, but going with Langlier numbers usually keeps water chemistry problems to a bare minimum ) if you keep the numbers where the manufacturer recomends, you won't void the warrantee. Again, you have to decide where you want to keep your chem levels.
    The discrepency between your cya test and the pool store's bothers me, having a good amt for a SWCG vs none is too much of a difference - are you sure you're doing the test right? (I assume that the pool store's test has a good bit of 'slop' in it, but 70ppm seems a bit too much).
    As a last thing (for now), backwash the filter and add ~1/2 the DE you added before, if it is DE causing the clouding, it'll eventually end up in the filter.
    If you need more help or advice - you know where to get it
    Luv & Luk, Ted

    Having done construction and service for 4 pool companies in 4 states starting in 1988, what I know about pools could fill a couple of books - what I don't know could fill libraries

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Test results

    Thanks for the info...and thanks for reminding me of the landscaping nightmare! (You wouldn't believe the problems I'm now having with the contractor building my poolhouse!)

    I appreciate the help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Test results

    Also, I was surprised by the difference between my results and the pool stores...I'm pretty sure I'm doing it correctly. I may take another sample to them to see.
    Thanks again for the help!

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