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Thread: Finally installing. A few random questions:

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Apache Junction, Az

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    OK Ted, just because I had an uncontrollable laugh at your last comment, that doesn’t make me guilty of anything.

    So I got to work today, I had my camera but forgot the batteries. I had my cheap backup however, it always travels with me. When I get to a job I just want to know four things. I need to know where one end of the pool will be and where one side will be. I also ask where you want the vegetation piled and where you want the filter located.

    In this case the pool was to run parallel with the house, not the back fence. I measured off the house to set the stakes for my side string. If you look close you will see my stakes are just screwdrivers, they work best for me. I came in 15’ from my end point and I have a center. With a center point and a side string I am set to go. This picture shows my first brace set against the string and point directly at my center stake.

    From that one brace assembly I can use the bottom rails and straps to correctly position the rest of the braces. With all of this laid out you need to check for square before you begin to dig. Make a rectangle out or the six braces. Crisscross a tape measure from the outside brace on one side to the opposing outside brace on the other side. Adjust all three braces on one side or the other, side to side, until they measure perfectly square. If one side is just a touch off the string and it measures square you are set to mark your trenches. Once marked simply move the brace assemblies aside and dig.

    This is where my laser level works its magic. The bottom channel is 3”. If I have determined the ground level to be a one I set all of the brace channels and the tops of all of the blocks at a four. I then move the brace assemblies back into place. I line up with the string, check for square and then recheck the top level of the front and back of each brace. I may have to tap one down a bit or raise one a hair, but I make them all prefect. I then backfill and pack the trenches and the braces are set.

    Hope that helps a little, Dennis
    AG pool installer

  2. #12
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by hrsdennis View Post
    OK Ted, just because I had an uncontrollable laugh at your last comment, that doesn’t make me guilty of anything.

    So I got to work today, I had my camera but forgot the batteries. I had my cheap backup however, it always travels with me. When I get to a job I just want to know four things. I need to know where one end of the pool will be and where one side will be. I also ask where you want the vegetation piled and where you want the filter located.

    In this case the pool was to run parallel with the house, not the back fence. I measured off the house to set the stakes for my side string. If you look close you will see my stakes are just screwdrivers, they work best for me. I came in 15’ from my end point and I have a center. With a center point and a side string I am set to go. This picture shows my first brace set against the string and point directly at my center stake.
    From that one brace assembly I can use the bottom rails and straps to correctly position the rest of the braces. With all of this laid out you need to check for square before you begin to dig. Make a rectangle out or the six braces. Crisscross a tape measure from the outside brace on one side to the opposing outside brace on the other side. Adjust all three braces on one side or the other, side to side, until they measure perfectly square. If one side is just a touch off the string and it measures square you are set to mark your trenches. Once marked simply move the brace assemblies aside and dig.

    This is where my laser level works its magic. The bottom channel is 3”. If I have determined the ground level to be a one I set all of the brace channels and the tops of all of the blocks at a four. I then move the brace assemblies back into place. I line up with the string, check for square and then recheck the top level of the front and back of each brace. I may have to tap one down a bit or raise one a hair, but I make them all prefect. I then backfill and pack the trenches and the braces are set.

    Hope that helps a little, Dennis
    Will you explain your last paragraph a little more? What do you mean by "a one" and "a four"... are these references on your laser level (presumably in inches)?

    Do you set your braces perfectly level in the trenches, or do you angle them toward the pool by the width of your block? If you angle them, do you backfill with dirt or gravel underneath the braces before setting them, or set them and let nature backfill the gaps? My instructions call for the trenches to be 5 1/2" deep, with a little backfilled crusher run, an angled area which the brace sits on, etc... I'm just wondering if all those steps are truly necessary.

    Any chance you've got pictures of the next few steps of the process? Trenches, braces dropped into the trenches, stabilizing plates installed, etc?

    Thanks again for your help. I think I'm starting to get it... We did basically the same thing you do today, but we did it the hard way.. we strung the whole thing, brought it into square, marked the trenches and started digging.. Got one trench dug, but not "perfected".. it's still a little high in a few spots and might be low in 1-2 others. I'll be digging the other two trenches tomorrow and hopefully getting the braces all set... In fact, I'd like to get the pool most of the way complete tomorrow.. I have all day to work on it, and it's supposed to be a nice 75ish degrees (it was over 90 today).
    Last edited by badutahboy; 05-21-2007 at 01:44 AM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Apache Junction, Az

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Hi again, yes the numbers are just a reference point. The bottom channel is three inches deep. If I have determined my outside, ground level will be say 3 ˝ on my level stick, then I want the front part of my trenches to be set at a 6 ˝. The top of the blocks should also be a 6 ˝, no slope. When the brace assembly is set into the hole the front should read a 3 ˝ and the back should read a 3 ˝.

    I do slope slightly, front to rear, only to ensure there are no high spots between the front of the channel and the block the rear is resting on. I am sorry I do not have photos to illustrate this. It is important that the front of the channel read the same as the rear.

    As for packing, I use the dirt that came out of the trenches and foot stomp it. This is however Arizona, the instructions were written for all of the other areas where the soil is much different. This is where you need to decide if your soil will pack OK, or if screenings, or crusher run would work better.

    I will check back as often as possible tomorrow, maybe be of some more help.

    AG pool installer

  4. #14
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by hrsdennis View Post
    Hi again, yes the numbers are just a reference point. The bottom channel is three inches deep. If I have determined my outside, ground level will be say 3 ˝ on my level stick, then I want the front part of my trenches to be set at a 6 ˝. The top of the blocks should also be a 6 ˝, no slope. When the brace assembly is set into the hole the front should read a 3 ˝ and the back should read a 3 ˝.

    I do slope slightly, front to rear, only to ensure there are no high spots between the front of the channel and the block the rear is resting on. I am sorry I do not have photos to illustrate this. It is important that the front of the channel read the same as the rear.

    As for packing, I use the dirt that came out of the trenches and foot stomp it. This is however Arizona, the instructions were written for all of the other areas where the soil is much different. This is where you need to decide if your soil will pack OK, or if screenings, or crusher run would work better.

    I will check back as often as possible tomorrow, maybe be of some more help.


    Crap, I've got some backfilling to do in my trench then... It's about 5" deep right now. Sadly, the dirt I'm pulling out isn't great for compacting.. it's really dusty, silt crap. Water helps some, but it usually just creates a bog that moves away from the pressure. I think I'll backfill with gravel, and then put a layer of dirt over the top, just to hide the rough edges of the rock... It shouldn't matter much with the 1" foam I'm going to use...

    I think I'm with you now... These instructions are insanely overcomplicated.

    I was seriously contemplating hiring someone to build my pool, thinking this was just the most tedious thing ever... with your help, I think I can get it done tomorrow, or at least get myself to a very close spot to finish it on tuesday..

    We're hoping to be swimming next weekend, which may not happen anyway, because it's supposed to be a cool week, and our tap water is currently about 55 degrees.

    Again, thanks for your help. I'll post any of my own shortcuts I find once I get finished... guess I better break out the camera... I haven't taken any pics yet.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    One more quick question.. I'm sure it'll answer itself in time, but the instructions in my book aren't clear at all....

    When it comes to the straps between the braces, do these get buried, or sit on top of the soil?

    Also, for trenching, does the strap that connects the two braces (across from each other) get buried or go on the soil? (do you dig your trenches the full length of the pool, or just the 4-5' that's required to get the brace in the ground?)

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Apache Junction, Az

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    The only things that go in the ground are the channels. The track, pressure plates and straps go on top of the ground.

    Have a fun day, Dennis
    AG pool installer

  7. #17
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    Aug 2006

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by hrsdennis View Post
    The only things that go in the ground are the channels. The track, pressure plates and straps go on top of the ground.

    Have a fun day, Dennis

    Sweeet jebus that'll save me a lot of time. It took me like 2 hours to dig the one trench yesterday... I ought to be able to get the other two done in about 30 min apiece now.

    thanks a lot! I'll try to post some pics tonight..

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Stupid weather. It was supposed to be cool today, but dry.. it's been raining all day.. grrrrr... guess all I'm doing today is building the braces... Guess that's ok though, since they take FOREVER... daaaaaang.

    Dennis, one more question for you.... do you scoop any loose dirt over the plates and straps, or should I just lay my foam right over the top of them? I know you usually cover them with sand, but what should I do in my circumstance?

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Got one more question for you dennis....

    Do I need to cover the panels with dirt prior to laying down my foam? They're sitting on top of the dirt, just like yours show in your pics... I'm afraid the sides of them will tear right through the foam and ruin my liner.. but at the same time, if I cover them, I either have to bring in an inch of dirt, or taper the rest of the pool to avoid humps.

    Any advice?

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Apache Junction, Az

    Default Re: Finally installing. A few random questions:

    Yes, they do need to be well covered. I would install the wall first and then cover the pressure plates.

    AG pool installer

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