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Thread: Baquacil Conversion Complete

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Baquacil Conversion Complete

    Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that I have completed my conversion process from Baquacil to Chlorine. All in all, the process wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I started last Saturday and the pool is finally crystal clear today. It went thru a series of colors from murky green, to gatorade lime to clear. There was alot of goop in my filter and I had to constantly backwash to keep at lower psi levels...here are my latest readings

    FC = 3 (i can't get it to stay higher yet) just put some more chlorine in tonight..will check reading in the morning
    TC = 3
    PH = 7.0
    TA = 100
    CH = 270

    I can't seem to get a good reading on my CYA...I am using a leslie's service DPD kit...Any suggestions...

    I have a 30,000 gallon, vinyl lined pool and am using a DE Filter.

    If I get the FC up further what are my next steps in this process...where do I want to maintain these levels on a pool this size...


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Baquacil Conversion Complete

    Get your FC back up to shock level, and keep it at shock level, until it stays almost constant from one night til the next morning. After that point, then change your filter media. THEN your conversion is complete. Unless you've been using stabilized chlorine to shock with during your conversion, you shouldn't have a CYA reading. You need all your available chlorine to fight the Baq. Once your conversion is complete, then add your stabilizer (aka CYA, balancer, conditioner) to whatever level you want it, following label directions, except don't broadcast it in the pool. Either put it into the skimmer or in a sock or knee-high hose and let it dissolve. It dissolves slowly though, so don't retest or add more for a week or so.

    Congratulations on your conversion! I have heard many switch to Baq and regret it, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone switching to chlorine and regretting it!!


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