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Thread: My wife sent me here!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Default My wife sent me here!

    While I was gone, the pool was overcome with algae. My wife came here for help but didn't get any cooperation from the local pool supply store for the CYA number. First they asked her if she was there to buy something and then only told her that the CYA was "fine". I went over myself and was told that with a high chlorine ppm that the CYA was "masked". They recommended that I lower it to 3-5 ppm and now the water is an even lovelier shade of green. We have run the filter for 10 days, kept the FC above 10 ppm the entire time and are getting no results. I think if I had the numbers that I could get on top of it. Is there another way to get the CYA or can you recommend a tougher approach. This is an above ground vinyl, 10,000 gals., and the dealer has made us squeamish about the high FC levels ruining the liner. Are we just paranoid? How high can I make the FC? What should I do next? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Watermom's Avatar
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    What have you been using to chlorinate with? Any other pool stores that you can ask to test it for you or does the pool store sell a kit that will test CYA and then you can do it yourself? We really do need that CYA reading to really know what to advise you, but in the meantime, go ahead and take the chlorine to 12 and try and hold it there. Test 3x a day and each time, take the chlorine back up to 12. If you tell me that you've been chlorinating with trichlor tabs, then I'm gonna say that you can take it up to 15 because my guess would be that your CYA is probably pretty high. Try and see if you can get that reading for us.

    By the way, your wife is pretty smart for sending you here!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    We are using unscented laundry bleach. We converted to that about a month ago. Can you recommend the test kit by name so I know what to look for? There are no other pool stores in our area at this time, but I am certainly willing to drive a ways in order to get on top of the algae problem, or I can order something online. Also, we quit wasting our time with the Aquabug sweeper and would appreciate a recommendation on what to replace it with. Are the extra leaves in the pool adding to the algae? Thanks for the quick response.

  4. #4
    aylad's Avatar
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    What did you use to chlorinate with prior to the switch to bleach? If you were using trichlor, then it's a pretty good bet that your CYA is way high. There are several kits out there that test for CYA (aka stabilizer). You can pick up a Taylor kit at most pool stores. Or, if your local WalMart still has pool stuff out, they have a 5-way drop-based kit for around $15 that will test for CYA.

    And yes, the extra leaves in the pool can add to the algae problem....indirectly. The available chlorine is being used up "sanitizing" the leaves, and not the live algae that it needs to fight.

    Watermom's given you good advice. Try to get the Chlorine level up to 12 and hold it there, and in the meantime get a kit and test the CYa yourself. With a test result, we should be able to help you get it cleared up.


  5. #5
    Poconos is offline SuperMod Emeritus Whizbang Spinner Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars Poconos 4 stars
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    You want the Taylor K-2006 kit. CarlD has others to recommend but they are all similar. This place
    has the K-2006 for $49 and looks like the most shipping you'll pay is $10 for an order. While at it get extra CYA reagent and DPD powder, and reagent. Since you probably have a CYA problem you'll use what's in the kit up pretty quickly.
    I'd recommend the following additions to the kit:
    R-0871C reagent
    R-0870i powder
    R-0013E CYA reagent
    The last letter is just a quantity designator.

    These are all listed on page-3 in the Test Kit section.
    When I ordered bulk reagents a couple years ago they came directly from Taylor and delivery was less than a week.

    Al (ajs-1)

    BTW: Check this thread too

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Question Re: My wife sent me here!/CYA number

    Hello - Just had my testkit delivered today. The pool is still green, so hopefully you can help me now that I have the numbers. The CYA is at 100. I am holding the chlorine at 10-12. Should I be concerned with any other numbers at this time? And what do I do next? Thanks, Bob

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    Another quick question - the return line to the pool has a directional adjustment. Is there a preference as to which way it is pointing? I have it pointing mostly upward, because we like the noise it makes. Thanks, Bob

  8. #8
    Watermom's Avatar
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    You're going to have to take the chlorine much higher to kill the algae with a cya reading of 100. For now, aim to keep the chlorine level at 20. Test at least twice, and 3 times a day is better if you can do it and each time, add enough bleach to take the cl back to 20. The key to killing algae is to sustain the high cl reading instead of letting it yo-yo up and down. (If that doesn't clear it, we may suggest taking it to 25. See the chart at the following link.)


    Regarding the eyeball - typically, if I need to skim the debris off the surface, I aim it upward. Otherwise, I think it circulates the water better if you aim it downward. For now, aim it downward. Also, run your pump 24/7 while you are trying to clear the water.

    What are your other readings?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    I will do that. In the meantime, is there a way to start lowering the cya number? I did my pH test with 50% distilled water and it still looks very high. I think I did all of that correctly, but my test kit book says that I may be bleaching out one of the reagents, which makes sense because I was getting a reading of 15 or 16. I don't know how to compensate for that. My total alkalinity is at 140. I hope I don't need to worry about the other numbers right now!? I am beginning to see the bottom of the pool! It's starting to work. Thank you, thank you.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: My wife sent me here!

    Sorry to bother you again! How long do you want me to cycle in the new bleach before I re-survey the water? Thanks again, Bob

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